Bio Spinach Por

Organikus spenót por Magic Rainbow Superfood egy természetes spenót levélpor. Gazdag vas, réz, vitaminok forrása és sok tápanyagot tartalmaz. És ez egy igazi szuperétel a tested számára.
Olyan alacsony, mint 6 336,47 Ft

Organic Spinach Powder Magic Rainbow Superfood is a natural spinach leaf powder. It is a rich source of iron, copper, vitamins and contains many nutrients. And it's a true superfood for your body.

Due to its strong green color, it is extremely useful for coloring homemade pasta, bread...

Organic Spinach Powder Magic Rainbow Superfood – as a dietary supplement, superfood

  • rich source of iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, manganese and folic acid
  • it is a good source of riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin E, calcium, potassium and dietary fiber
  • contains a lot of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K
  • spinach is also an excellent source of many phytocompounds
  • recommended daily intake: 1 teaspoon mixed with food or water (approx. 3.5 g),
  • it is excellent for adding to smoothies, yogurts, cereals, and other refreshing drinks
  • you can sprinkle the powder on soup, risotto, pate, salad, fries...
  • refrigerate after opening
  • suitable for vegans
  • does not contain gluten
  • without GMOs
  • from organic production
  • 100 g

špinača v prahu, superživilo

Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is an edible flowering plant from the Amaranthaceae family. It originates from Central and Western Asia. It is an annual plant. The leaves are simple, the flowers are almost invisible. In cuisine, a little lemon juice or vinegar is added during cooking to preserve the rich iron content.

Health benefits of spinach

  • protects the eyes and vision - it protects the retinal tissue - important for preventing glaucoma, night blindness and the development of cataracts in older people
  • helps lower blood pressure and improves heart health
  • reduces oxidative stress
  • protects the body and skin from free radicals
  • affects blood sugar levels
  • relieves constipation (especially if you take it in the morning on an empty stomach)

Organic Spinach Powder Magic Rainbow Superfood

Nutritional value 100g.

Nutritional value per 100 g
energy value 1030 kj / 240 kcal
fats 0.0 g
carbohydrates 32 g
of which sugars (5.0g)
protein 3 g
dietary fiber 16 g
salt 0 g

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose! It is not a substitute for a balanced diet! The product is produced and packaged in a plant where soybeans are processed.

Néhány ajánlás

  1. Bio spirulina por
    Bio spirulina por
    Olyan alacsony, mint 4 087,63 Ft Normál ár 5 836,85 Ft
  2. C vitamin por varázslatos szivárvány szuper ételek
    C vitamin por varázslatos szivárvány szuper ételek
    Olyan alacsony, mint 4 087,63 Ft Normál ár 5 836,85 Ft
    Nincs raktáron
  3. Fagyasztva szárított acai bogyó por
    Fagyasztva szárított acai bogyó por
    Olyan alacsony, mint 8 477,75 Ft Normál ár 9 117,36 Ft
More Information
MárkaMagic Rainbow Superfood
Súly (kg)0.100000

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