Meditációs készlet Lotuscrafts #2

Legyen kényelmes a meditáció. Készítettünk egy meditációs készletet, amely optimálisan támogatja Önt minden ülő helyzetben. Szereljen össze egy készletet kedvenc színkombinációjával, és mentse meg 20% -ot az áron. Válassza ki a ""Testreszabás és a CART hozzáadása"" gombot a választás folytatásához. Az összes változat közül választhat. A szürke színben megjelölt termékek jelenleg nincsenek raktáron.

Olyan alacsony, mint 44 996,86 Ft Normál ár 49 996,50 Ft

Customize Meditációs készlet Lotuscrafts #2

* Szükséges Mezők

44 996,86 Ft

Let the meditation be comfortable. We have prepared a meditation set Lotuscrafts that will optimally support you in all sitting positions. Each body is unique and needs proper support when sitting for a longer time. Zabuton is a rectangular pillow that creates a favorable and comfortable environment for meditation.

Zafu meditation pillows improve posture and comfort level during meditation.

Meditation kit Zafu Lotuscrafts

The pillows are made of organic cotton, stuffed with spelt husks or kapok wool. Mala - meditation necklace helps you focus. Assemble a set with your favorite color combination.

The meditation set Lotuscrafts contains

Choose your favorite color combination:

Meditation pillow Zafu

The pillow for meditation and breathing exercises allows you to sit relaxed in the lotus position, half-lotus or in a position on your knee.

The outer cover is made of soft, comfortable 100% organic cotton and is washable. It is filled with spelt husks, which offer compactness and exceptional stability. You can adjust the height of the pillow by removing some filler.

Meditation pillow Zafu

Meditation pillow Zabuton Deluxe

Meditation pillow Zabuton Deluxe is a large, compact and comfortable meditation pillow. The shape of a rectangle 85 x 80 cm and a thickness of approx. 7 cm offers a fantastic environment for meditation. Together with round pillows and moon-shaped pillows, it is an ideal "tool" for comfortable and long-lasting meditation.

The outer cover is made of soft, comfortable 100% organic cotton and is washable. The filler is also organic cotton.

Meditation pillow Zabuton Deluxe

Mala - a meditation aid or necklace

Mala, yoga jewelry and meditation aid consists of 108 traditional Indian prayer beads. They are made of various sacred trees or fruits -tulsi (holy basil), seeds of the Rudraksha tree, sandalwood (white or red). The number 108 is a sacred number in many cultures, especially in the Hindu tradition. The number comes from multiplying 12 “astrological houses” on 9 planets. Every mala also has a Guru bead or tassels that remind us of the teachers in our lives. Traditionally, we hold amala between the thumb and middle finger so each ball passes through the middle finger and thumb. In doing so, the mantra is uttered either silently or aloud.

Mala - a meditation aid or necklace


Their name in the products combines purity, beauty, special art of making from natural, human and environmentally friendly materials (cotton, spelt, kapok wool).


The lotus flower is a symbol of purity, peace and beauty in many cultures in the East. The lotus flower is very special because of its exceptional surface structure, which allows water, dust particles, mud and micro-organisms to "unwind" and bloom in perfect beauty.


It means trade, art.

Yoga Lotuscrafts

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